BOR announces flushing flows and Irrigator allocations for the Klamath

This week the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) began releasing water from Upper Klamath Lake to generate a flushing flow for the Klamath River. These flushes are designed to disrupt the lifecycle of the fish disease-causing parasite Ceratomyxa shasta, which has infected juvenile salmon in recent years causing extremely high mortality rates. This flushing flow is critical as California faces a statewide salmon fishing ban to protect the few Chinook salmon projected to return to rivers this fall. BOR also plans to divert 215,000 acre-feet to the Klamath Irrigation project this summer, although this is only half of what irrigators consider a full delivery.

In other news, dam removal preparations are underway, spring Chinook research is happening in the upper basin, and a highly contagious strain of bird flu is impacting California condor populations.

Explore the articles below to learn more.

Klamath News


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